LSP–003 Shady and the Vamp

LSP–003 Shady and the Vamp
«La Suisse Primitive» (LSP) chose the wild lane to continue this autumn. We will head for a European tour together with the Lucernian lads from «Shady and The Vamp». In our baggage we got a great tour single, that right now is being pressed. At the time of writing «Shady and The Vamp» is one of the most sizzling garage combos in Switzerland. Hitting the road every season of the year, killing ears in every corner of the country they could crash your wedding, smash your graduation day and I am sure they would even do a funeral show. Willing to do it everywhere, they are never opposed to parties and booze, ready to make noise always, anytime. These three garage rockers represent the great Lucernian garage scene that evolved around Memphisto Produktion. What they do is wild and ugly punk - the garage way. Their first recordings date back to 2009. Since then they put out a few records among them a great 10’’ on «Moi j'connais» records. We are proud to have them on the boat.
X-Ray Vision
I Want You
Fuck All Haters
Black vinyl 7"
Edition of 300