LSP–010 Billy Changer

LSP–010 Billy Changer
Two years ago we started our «California» single series in which we drift from artist to artist simply led by coincidence. Generally we bump into bands after a show or because somebody gives us a hint. However, this time it was a completely digital thing.
In late October the fourth issue of the «California Series» will be out, containing a handful of songs by LA based band Billy Changer. Earlier this year we stumbled over a facebook post in which Robert Cifuentes, the person behind Billy Changer, spoke about a number of home-recordings he had just put on soundcloud. Immediately we were drawn into some raw tracks that came straigt out of Robert's living room. Tracks that strike with that particular California feel, although somehow being different than what we have heard before. Recorded on tape, each track being improvised, the songs authentically capture a certain mood in which Robert found himself during the days of recording. In order to layer the songs Robert used two tape machines and bounced the tracks back and forth. Recording analogue this way meant struggling with the songs, struggling with the process of bringing the essential on tape. With the goal of catching particular emotions and what he felt in that days Robert recorded all vocals in one take, with no lyrics written before. Singing out of a moment with the aim of transporting his emotional situation the songs - although some words came out slurred - Robert brings it to the point. Crucial is the atmosphere these songs transport so beautifully.
You might know Robert Cifuentes from the band «Corners» in which he played bass and sang together with Tracy Bryant who previously released as part of the «California Series».
Over There
Set The Cruise Control
Black vinyl 7"
Edition of 300